Dhikr Dua Deen is the latest endeavor of Life With Allah. A beautiful app with a modern design to help you do Dhikr, learn and recite Duas and learn about Deen on a daily basis and on key occasions.- Already Saved Dhikr 📿- Custom Dhikr❤️️, by going to Dhikr screen 📿- Vibration📳 on doing Dhikr. ⏱- DUA with authentic references.🕌- Find Qibla 🕋Please Rate Us. 🙇😇Share ☝️ the application📱 and the more people will do Dhikr 🗣, the more Sawab (virtue) you will get💞 as Sadqa-e-Jaria 😍New Updates Every Month so Stay Tuned ✌️ and Keep Doing Dhikr 💪